I've been having a problem lately with Outlook, it's only been occuring the
last couple of weeks. I have a password protecting my Outlook, but recently
when I go to reopen Outlook after lunch it will not ask me for a password
eventhough I closed it down. I have found that by going into the taskmanager
and ending the OUTLOOK.EXE process it will remedy the problem, but I should
hve to do that....any ideas? I'm using Outlook 2003. Thanks!
last couple of weeks. I have a password protecting my Outlook, but recently
when I go to reopen Outlook after lunch it will not ask me for a password
eventhough I closed it down. I have found that by going into the taskmanager
and ending the OUTLOOK.EXE process it will remedy the problem, but I should
hve to do that....any ideas? I'm using Outlook 2003. Thanks!