Problems displaying AM/PM time



I can´t make the time settings to display correctly in AM and PM time,
that is on Calendar and on the received mail as well.
I have changed the OS X control panel to use a 24 hour format but
Entourage keeps showing everything in PM. If I try to change it on an
appointment it displays the change in minutes but still not
corresponding to a time change of let's say an hour...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance


I forgot to put the Exchange version, it is 11.2.3 and I am running OS


Mickey Stevens

You can make the necessary change in System Preferences. I think that you
probably set the menu bar clock to use 24-hour time, which doesn't affect

To have Entourage use 24-hour time, open System Preferences, and then open
International Preferences. Click the "Formats" tab. Under "Times", click
the "Customize" button. The first number that appears is probably the hour.
Click on it, and then select "00-23". Then, click at the end of the text
field, and press Delete to remove the AM/PM indicator. Click OK and then
quit System Preferences. When you relaunch Entourage, you should see that
it is now using 24-hour time.

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