Problems downloading Emails



From time to time Outlook will not download messages - it eventually times
out. I have tried increasing the download time to 5 minutes in case it was a
delay with the ISP - but to no avail. Sending messages is no problem.

If I open the Email account in Outlook and use the test facility - all is
reported OK

I have tried deleting and reinstalling my accounts and have talked to
Telewest broadband help line who confirmed their servers were OK. Rebooting
the computer does not usually help - except that Outlook may well work OK
again for no explicable reason the following day.

Webmail works fine and I have tried using Outlook Express - using the same
accounts - with no problems.

I have also deleted and reinstalled MS Office - that seemed to do the trick
but only for a couple of days.

Windows XP home SP2
Offfice & Outlook 2003 fully updated.
Windows firewall
Telewest anti- virus and trojan package

Anyone have any ideas?

BillR [MVP]

It sounds more like a server problem where the server is sporadically going
Is there any antivirus email integration enabled? that might also be doing
it. If so, disable the email integration for the antivirus.


Today's experience is typical

Booted computer, opened Outlook and tried to download Emails from my 3 POP3
accounts. One account downloaded OK - the other 2 timed out after 5 minutes.
Mail in the outbox was sent OK.

Closed and re-opened Outlook and tried again - this time all 3 accounts
timed out.

Checked webmail to confirm whether all 3 accounts had waiting mail - they

Opened Outlook Express and downloaded all the mail from all 3 accounts
without a problem. Note that these are the same POP 3 accounts.

Tried Outlook again - still timed out on all 3 accounts.

Re-booted computer and tried Outlook again - still not working.

Spent a couple of hours using Word and Excel - then tried Outlook yet again.
This time it downloaded all outstanding mail from all 3 accounts OK.

Frustrating isn't it?

BillR [MVP]

Can be. there is no add-in that might interfere with the downloading of
A long-shot is to try a new profile. Damaged profiles can sometimes cause
email retrieval problems.

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