From time to time Outlook will not download messages - it eventually times
out. I have tried increasing the download time to 5 minutes in case it was a
delay with the ISP - but to no avail. Sending messages is no problem.
If I open the Email account in Outlook and use the test facility - all is
reported OK
I have tried deleting and reinstalling my accounts and have talked to
Telewest broadband help line who confirmed their servers were OK. Rebooting
the computer does not usually help - except that Outlook may well work OK
again for no explicable reason the following day.
Webmail works fine and I have tried using Outlook Express - using the same
accounts - with no problems.
I have also deleted and reinstalled MS Office - that seemed to do the trick
but only for a couple of days.
Windows XP home SP2
Offfice & Outlook 2003 fully updated.
Windows firewall
Telewest anti- virus and trojan package
Anyone have any ideas?
out. I have tried increasing the download time to 5 minutes in case it was a
delay with the ISP - but to no avail. Sending messages is no problem.
If I open the Email account in Outlook and use the test facility - all is
reported OK
I have tried deleting and reinstalling my accounts and have talked to
Telewest broadband help line who confirmed their servers were OK. Rebooting
the computer does not usually help - except that Outlook may well work OK
again for no explicable reason the following day.
Webmail works fine and I have tried using Outlook Express - using the same
accounts - with no problems.
I have also deleted and reinstalled MS Office - that seemed to do the trick
but only for a couple of days.
Windows XP home SP2
Offfice & Outlook 2003 fully updated.
Windows firewall
Telewest anti- virus and trojan package
Anyone have any ideas?