Problems in a current workspace which has been working fine for quite a while


Marc Dimmick

I have a button that I created that when I clicked on it, it generated an
email which I would send off to notify the end user that their issue had
been logged. I have now started to get popups which indicate

"You are attempting to navigate to a location not known to be safe"

mailto:[email protected]?bcc=HelpDe.../188 000 000

Do you want to continue?

Yes No (Buttons)

I then click on the YES button and I get the following popup

c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\GrooveStdURLLauncher.exe

X windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not
have the appropriate permissions to access the time.


any ideas anyone??


Dear Marc,

According to your update, I want to know which type of Groove account do you
use. Do you use the manged account which was managed and maintained by the
Groove manager? If so, then you should make your machine as the managed
device first.

If not, then I suggest you to run an over install of Groove and then test
the results.
Please understand that it is also possible that another software install or
update affected one of the Groove files causing this error. The key point to
this process (Run an over install) is that when the install completes it will
reregister all the DLL files Groove use. By performing the over install we
will have all the latest fixes and all the DLL will get registered correctly.
Therefore, I suggest to run an over install of Groove and test the results.


Marc Dimmick

Hi Gell,

I did a repair with running the install.
but the I am still getting the same problem not having the required


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