Problems justifying an email in word?



How do i fix this? When i paste an email into word and justify it... even
though all the lines did not reach the far side of the page (meaning there
was a carriage return) making them identical to the last line in a
paragraph... all the lines add a lot of spacing to wrap the word to the far
right margin. So the whole page is a mess, until you go to each line and well
delete most of the carriage returns to make a proper paragraph, and for the
last line, delete the current carriage return with a new one does it stop the
wierd justify spacing.

Is there a option in the menus that causes this or can correct it? Or is
there a Alt+0??? Code that represents either of these carriage returns that I
can do a Find/Replace on the entire document?

Thanks for replying in advance.


Here I figured that you were just sending me to a general FAQ and never read
the question.... but paste special works like a charm. Thank-you.

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