Problems mixing with PPT 2007 on Windows



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

My company primarily uses Office 2007 on Windows and I'd prefer to use the native OSX PowerPoint when I edit some of the shared presentations.

The template was created in PPT2007 and files load just fine and look ok, but when I save a presentation and load it into PowerPoint 2007, it appears to drop a lot of the formatting. Specifically, I notice it cuts out spaces between words in a sentence where multiple fonts are used, or where some other style (bold, italic, etc.) was applied.

We also have blocks formatted with spaces (code slides) and it cuts all the spaces out of those blocks as well - leaving the slide a mess.

What is the resolution for this? It's made it impossible to use PPT2008 since it screws up every deck I touch. I can send in an example if it would help..

Mark Smith

Whit Allen

I have a very similar compatibility problem - PowerPoint slides I create on Mac 2008 and then send to colleagues with PC 2007 - all in .pptx format - lose lots of spaces between words when opened with the PC 2007 version. Any advice out there?

Lucy Thomson

Hi Mark

I don't use a Mac so don't know if this is going to help at all but are you
embedding the fonts? If not, are the fonts you are using installed on the
PC? If the font isn't present on the target machine, powerpoint replaces it
with times new roman or arial which can cause horrible display issues. One
way to check is on the PC go to home tab -> replace (way over on the right
hand side) -> replace fonts -> do any of the fonts have a question mark next
to them? If so, they aren't installed on that machine.

I hope that helps,

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