Problems on maximizing the form

  • Thread starter hkgary33 via
  • Start date

hkgary33 via

Dear all,
I've used the DoCmd.Maximize command in my main form's (frmMainMenu) OnLoad
event so that it will automatically enlarge to whole screen once the form is
loaded. However, the problem is that after using such code, it will also
affect other form so that once I click some buttons in the MainMenu to open
other forms, those forms will also be maximized. So how can I limit the
maximize function only to a form, but not the others?




I have a macro which I call Resize Max.
It has only one action i.e Maximise.
I embed this macro via the Runmacro action in other macros where I want to
maximise a form. For example, if I am leaving a form and opening another
form, the command button on the form that is being closed will have an event
that runs a macro containing the following actions.....

Close Form
Runmacro Resize Max

Good luck


hkgary33 via said:
Dear all,
I've used the DoCmd.Maximize command in my main form's (frmMainMenu) OnLoad
event so that it will automatically enlarge to whole screen once the form is
loaded. However, the problem is that after using such code, it will also
affect other form so that once I click some buttons in the MainMenu to open
other forms, those forms will also be maximized. So how can I limit the
maximize function only to a form, but not the others?



I've always had the same problem with access. I've never come up with a
solution 100%.

What I do is maximize the application at startup:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdAppMaximize

Then on all major form I max them with the following in the OnLoad event:


I need to put this in reports too that are previewd.

Now, on the forms that look ridiculous maximized, such as a report options
form, I set their PopUp and Modal properties to true, and open them as a
dialog .

DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, , , strCriteria, , acDialog

This will open the form as a dialog box which doesn't take up the whole
screen, but the user is not able to minimize it or switch to another form.

As I mentioned I'm not completely satisfied with this because opening a form
as a Dialog has other limitations but it's the best solution that i came up

Maybe someone else has some ideas.

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