Problems opening web pages in Publisher



After creating a website in Publisher and had it up and running for some time
I've come across the same problem twice..

I initially created the site in pub 2003 and when transferred to another pc
using 2002 I never had any problems updating and modifying it.
But after a long period of time the document suddenly stopped opening in
2002 or it would try and take forever with the machine eventually locking up.

I found a solution which was to open the document in 2003 again (which
continues to work no problems) and save the doc as a 2000 file. This then
opened with no problems on the 2002 machine again and i could continue to
work on it.

I dont understand why this problem suddenly occurs and there is no real
error message to identify the problem? After working for some time it decided
it can nolonger open the file?

Any ideas...

(its a school website and 2002 machine is on a school network)

I tried this the 2nd time and this method still wouldnt work either!


Even though Pub 2002 and 2003 are supposed to open files produced in either
version, it seems from reading in the general newsgroup, that there are
fairly frequent problems with compatibility. Pub 2000 of course cannot open
2002 and 2003 files. I am just guessing here:

Are you using Norton AV on either computer? Turn off the office plug-in.

Have you run the design checker to see if it finds any problems. Sometimes
just having an object overhanging into the scratch area can prevent a file
from opening.

Have you updated all versions with the most current SPs?

Are you trying to open the files across a network? If so, be sure to copy
the files to the hard drive before opening, and don't try to save a copy
across a network.

Are you using the same printer for both computers, and is that printer
driver current?

Those are my first guesses. Maybe someone else will offer some suggestions.
Let us know if any of these things help.


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