Problems passing parameters to OFFSET, probably a simple fix for theexperienced Excel programer



Excel 2003 (11.8211.8202) SP3
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service pack 2
New to Excell programming.

I wrote a function that allows me to pass in a row and column to be
used to access a table.
When I run the code the two variables 'r' & 'c' have the correct
values r1 = 1 and c1 = 1 but the OFFSET operation always evaluates to
r1= 0 and c1 = 0.

I even tried hardcoding r1 and c1 but they seem to evaluate to 0,0
even though the debugger indicates they are have the correct values
r1 = 1 and c1 = 1...

I am thinking that the syntax is wrong for passing in the parameters
for row and column into the OFFSET function,
Any help would be greatly appreciated. - mike

Function GET_WEIGHT(row, column)
Dim r1 As Long 'Variant
Dim c1 As Long

r1 = 1 'hardcoded
c1 = 1 'hardcoded

End Function


Excel 2003 (11.8211.8202) SP3
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service pack 2
New to Excell programming.

I wrote a function that allows me to pass in a row and column to be
used to access a table.
When I run the code the two variables 'r' & 'c' have the correct
values r1 = 1 and c1 = 1 but the OFFSET operation always evaluates to
r1= 0 and c1 = 0.

I even tried hardcoding r1 and c1 but they seem to evaluate to 0,0
even though the debugger indicates they are  have the correct values
r1 = 1 and c1 = 1...

I am thinking that the syntax is wrong for passing in the parameters
for row and column into the OFFSET function,
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  - mike

Function GET_WEIGHT(row, column)
  Dim r1 As Long  'Variant
  Dim c1 As Long

  r1 = 1    'hardcoded
  c1 = 1   'hardcoded

  GET_WEIGHT = [=OFFSET(CRITERIA_WEIGHT_TABLE_2, 2, 2, 1, 1)] <- This works fine
  GET_WEIGHT = [=OFFSET(CRITERIA_WEIGHT_TABLE_2, r1, c1, 1, 1)] <-This allways makes r1 and c1 = 0 when they really = 1

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