My web site is designed, I've followed each step to publish to the web using
an http posting, my dialog box says that the site is being published , and
I've saved it as index.html but when I log onto the internet my old site is
still there!??!
Any ideas??? I've been working on this all day and I really need my site up
and running! I must be missing something, it looks so easy!?!?!
Any help for a first time publisher user would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Thanks - Dawn
an http posting, my dialog box says that the site is being published , and
I've saved it as index.html but when I log onto the internet my old site is
still there!??!
Any ideas??? I've been working on this all day and I really need my site up
and running! I must be missing something, it looks so easy!?!?!
Any help for a first time publisher user would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Thanks - Dawn