problems publishing to the web



My web site is designed, I've followed each step to publish to the web using
an http posting, my dialog box says that the site is being published , and
I've saved it as index.html but when I log onto the internet my old site is
still there!??!

Any ideas??? I've been working on this all day and I really need my site up
and running! I must be missing something, it looks so easy!?!?!
Any help for a first time publisher user would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Thanks - Dawn

David Bartosik [MSFT MVP]

If you look at your site all the time, and webmaster newbies always do, then
you've certainly cached it. If you aren't familiar with browser caching go
to (in IE) Tools, Internet Options, and use the Delete Files button to
"clear the cache". You can restrict caching by adjusting the size of the
temp files folder or by going to the Advanced tab and using the option to
remove temp files when the browser is closed. After you clear the cache you
want to test the site again.
That's the most common newbie mistake. The other (if the former doesn't
resolve your issue) mistake is (assuming your publish "was" successful) to
have published to the incorrect location on the server. I have sometimes
logged into a customers server and seen they uploaded the site files like 3
times in different locations. But only one location is the correct one, so
if a second publish isn't in the correct location it isn't going to
over-write the existing site files. The host provider will instruct you as
to where you are to upload, sometimes this is directly to the domain name,
sometimes it is to a folder called "www" or "html".

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]


Deleting my files worked!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must be a typical newbie! :)
Thanks for your input!

David Bartosik said:
If you look at your site all the time, and webmaster newbies always do, then
you've certainly cached it. If you aren't familiar with browser caching go
to (in IE) Tools, Internet Options, and use the Delete Files button to
"clear the cache". You can restrict caching by adjusting the size of the
temp files folder or by going to the Advanced tab and using the option to
remove temp files when the browser is closed. After you clear the cache you
want to test the site again.
That's the most common newbie mistake. The other (if the former doesn't
resolve your issue) mistake is (assuming your publish "was" successful) to
have published to the incorrect location on the server. I have sometimes
logged into a customers server and seen they uploaded the site files like 3
times in different locations. But only one location is the correct one, so
if a second publish isn't in the correct location it isn't going to
over-write the existing site files. The host provider will instruct you as
to where you are to upload, sometimes this is directly to the domain name,
sometimes it is to a folder called "www" or "html".

David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

DPolly said:
My web site is designed, I've followed each step to publish to the web
an http posting, my dialog box says that the site is being published , and
I've saved it as index.html but when I log onto the internet my old site
still there!??!

Any ideas??? I've been working on this all day and I really need my site
and running! I must be missing something, it looks so easy!?!?!
Any help for a first time publisher user would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Thanks - Dawn

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