Problems pulling timephased information from Project DB via query


David Childers

I am running a macro that pulls information out of Project into Excel
via a query to the Project DB in SQL Server. I've noticed that when I
run a query to look at a resource's daily actuals, the daily hours
don't show up if I modify their hours in a previous time period. E.g:
When running a report for November, I realize someone booked hours to
the wrong task the first week of November. I swap their hours to the
correct task, and this shows up fine in Project itself, and in PWA.
However, when I run a query on the MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY table
in the database, it removes their orginal hours, but does not update
the new hours for that week. Any ideas?



David Childers

I've found that the changes I made in PWA are visible in the
MSP_WEB_WORK_ADJUSTED table, but for some reason the timephased
information did not transfer to the Project
MSP_VIEW_PROJ_ASSN_TP_BY_DAY table, which is where I would expect it to
go, and where my query pulls the data from. Any ideas on how to redo
the actuals adjustment to get Project to put the data into the table I
want, or how to trasnfer the data from the WEB table to the VIEW table?

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