Problems reading HTML files in Pocket Internet Explorer


Peter Maddern

I wanted to be able to read a certain section from my Notebook on my Pocket
PC running WM 2003 2nd Edition. First I saved the relevant section as a
single file web page in .mht format on my PC. Then I opened it with mt
desktop PC Internet Explorer and converted the .mht file to a .html file by
doing "Save As" in Internet Explorer and choosing to save as the file as a
complete web page. I put the file in my Pocket PC documents folder on the
desktop and sync'd it over to my PPC using ActiveSync 3.8. Result - only bits
of the content showed up in the document when opening the .html file on the
PPC with Pocket Internet Explorer.

Is there a solution to enable me to see on my PPC the full content of html
files originating from OneNote?


Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Peter, any web page or HTML file that shows images is not a single file. It
is an HTML file with links to images which are stored separately. The nice
thing about MHT format ("single file web page") is that it bundles all this
into a single file that you can move around. In fact, this ability to put
all the relevant files into a single file so that you can move them around
easily, email them etc. is why we chose to support MHT format. When you
saved the MHT as HTML, you "exploded" the single file into its many
consituent files. If you want to view this web page on a different device,
you now have to carefully move not only the HTML file but also the
supporting image files (probably in a folder with " _files" in its name, but
maybe not). You also have to keep these files in the same relative location
when you move them (e.g. if they were in a subfolder they have to remain in
that subfolder, or you will break the links). Basically, web pages are a
pain in the butt to move around between devices unless they are in MHT

Chris Pratley (MS)

Peter Maddern

Thanks, that helps. The problem is my Pocket Internet Explorer wouldn't read
the MHT file.

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