problems scrolling text with the new service pack update



I am using a PowerBook G4. A few days ago, I updated my Word 2004 with
the new service pack. Now I am having major issues scrolling text. If
I click on the scroll arrows (up or down) or use the scroll wheel on a
mouse, the text becomes garbled and unreadable. The problem does not
seem to occur if I click in the scroll sidebar to advance one screen
down or up. Am I the only one having this problem? Does anyone know
of a workaround?

Barry Wainwright

I am using a PowerBook G4. A few days ago, I updated my Word 2004 with
the new service pack. Now I am having major issues scrolling text. If
I click on the scroll arrows (up or down) or use the scroll wheel on a
mouse, the text becomes garbled and unreadable. The problem does not
seem to occur if I click in the scroll sidebar to advance one screen
down or up. Am I the only one having this problem? Does anyone know
of a workaround?

Do you use dual monitors, and see this issue after sleeping the mac and
connecting or disconnecting the second monitor?

If so, this is a 'known issue'. Quitting word and opening it again will put
things right (until next time!).


No, all I am using is the monitor on my PowerBook. The problem seems
to have come up after installing the service pack.

Steven Allison-Bunnell

I have seen this for a long time with multiple monitors. Is it something
that is going to be fixed anytime soon? I consider it to be a serious
nuisance. Don't forget that more and more people are using multiple
monitors, especially with a laptop at a desk workstation.

Clive Huggan

Do you connect/disconnect your external display when your PowerBook is off,

I ask because in an earlier thread the person who had the problem connected
and disconnected after it was booted. John McGhie gave his views on the
risks involved, which someone else disagreed with. I happen to agree with
John; I use my PowerBooks on several LCD external displays on most days, and
connect/disconnect when the PowerBook is off -- and I've never experienced
this problem. Mind you, I'm a "wait and see" adopter, and have chosen not to
go to OS 10.4 yet.


Clive Huggan

John McGhie [MVP - Word and Word Macintosh]

Hi Steven:

There's no fix for that coming in the "near term". There is work going on,
but it's unlikely to get fix the issue unless Apple makes a small change.

Part of the issue is that the OS handles displays, and Word needs it to tell
its applications when they have changed (so Word can refresh its windows).
It doesn't...

I suppose Microsoft could code Word to keep "looking", but since this would
have to be done very frequently to make it work properly, there would be a
hell of a performance hit...

As Clive says, if you logout before switching monitors, you won't get the
problem :)


I have seen this for a long time with multiple monitors. Is it something
that is going to be fixed anytime soon? I consider it to be a serious
nuisance. Don't forget that more and more people are using multiple
monitors, especially with a laptop at a desk workstation.


Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie <[email protected]>
Microsoft MVP, Word and Word for Macintosh. Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410

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