Sue Donum
This has been plaguing me ever since I migrated to OS X and Entourage three
months ago: Almost always when I attempt to send multiple attachments, I get
an error message (can't recall the exact wording) telling me that the e-mail
can't be sent. At first I thought it was due to the number of attachments,
or their total size, but that's not the case. The "solution" invariably is
to first compress the files into a single zip file attachment.
For example, this morning I attempted (without success) to send an e-mail
with two attachments (152K and 224K), and I couldn't, until I first combined
them into a single (308K) zipped file.
I might be inclined to believe that this problem is somehow related to the
Identity problem Diane mentioned (see "action could not be completed"
thread)...except I've been experiencing it since the very beginning.
months ago: Almost always when I attempt to send multiple attachments, I get
an error message (can't recall the exact wording) telling me that the e-mail
can't be sent. At first I thought it was due to the number of attachments,
or their total size, but that's not the case. The "solution" invariably is
to first compress the files into a single zip file attachment.
For example, this morning I attempted (without success) to send an e-mail
with two attachments (152K and 224K), and I couldn't, until I first combined
them into a single (308K) zipped file.
I might be inclined to believe that this problem is somehow related to the
Identity problem Diane mentioned (see "action could not be completed"
thread)...except I've been experiencing it since the very beginning.