problems syncronizing with outlook data incomplete



Dear Friends, please may day may day !!!!!

If some one have any suggestion, is welcome ! I have a PDA, and my PC is
running Outlook 2003, when I syncronize everything looks normal, but the
thing is that some data is not syncronized, some contacts never go to my PDA,
sometimes happen also with the appointments in the calendar; I already have
done everything, remove a reinstall Office 11, remove a reinstall Active
Sync, 4.2, 4.5, reset my PDA, try with others PDA and load my contacts there,
same thing, data is not complete, I don´t know what is stopping that data to
be available in my PDA, I also try with a Moto Q, from Motorola, same thing.
PLease any help !!!!


Roady [MVP]

Which data is not available to you? Random?
By default only a limited amount of data gets synced since usually a Mobile
Device has very limited storage space. You can configure how many days in
advance and how many days back should be synced in AcitveSync.


Roady, thank you for your response.

Data is basically ramdom, and mainly in CONTACTS and Calendar, notepads are
not so affected, or at least I have not noticed. But with contacts I am going
crazy, beacuse sometimes I add a new contact and never see it in my PDA, I
have about 800 contacts in Outlook Contacts, but may are lost in my PDA, I
could easily tell you that probably 80 contacts are lost, not shown in PDA. I
also try export the file to .CSV, to check it that missed contacts have
something weird and were not readable in OUtlook, but I export them to .CSV
and I check that contacts that are not syncronized to my PDA are exported wih
no problem, I don´t really get which is the sync behavior. I really
appreciate your comments.

Carlos Belgoderi
Caracas - Venezuela

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