Problems viewing web page on a MAC



Don't have a lot of details on this yet. I was informed by one of my users
that she could not see some of the site's web pages on her MAC. I don't know
what pages she is talking about yet or even what MAC browsers she is using.
We've all run across a user like this where we tend to make minimize the
interface time, if you get the drift.

I'm using FP2000 with FP2002 extension. Additionally some of the pages are
ASP's (VBscript) that displays data from an Access DB via storied queries. I
have selected "both IE and Netscape" on the page option as well as all the
check boxes checked on.

So before I go back to her to get more info/details do you know of any
issues/problems MAC users has had with FP HTML and/or ASP pages?

Jim T.


MAC browsers, as well as all modern (IE7, IE8, FireFox, Netscape, Safari)
Windows browsers and IE6 will render standards compliant pages (HTML or
asp) in much the same way - that is, not pixel perfect but close enough.
The HTML produced by FrontPage components and wizards is often not
standards compliant, and optimised for IE4 or 5. If you are coding for "IE
and Netscape" then standards compliance is "out of the window". Change the
browser to Custom, then use w3c to validate the pages.

If you are using any VML graphics, then only IE users will see the page as
you want it.

We will need to see the pages to give further advice.



Thanks for the reply. Sorry so long getting back to this subject (Access DB
hat for the last few days). The problem with the MAC user is viewing some
(maybe all) ASP pages on the site.

I've run several of the pages through the validator via the "direct"
(cut-n-paste code into the text box) and receive huge error listings
(100-200/pg). A lot of the errors has to do with the ASP/VB tags (<%,
'-comment lines, etc). Another error in each is the meta file name can not
contain a space as in "Microsoft Theme" and "Microsoft Border".

I also tried the upload method on the validator. An error message came back
that the validator could on evaluate the file because it is an ASP page.

Do you know of an ASP validator? Or are there some hints you may have on
bringing the ASP pages into compliance so the MAC users can view the pages?

Jim T.


If the page is published, point the validator to the published page. The
validator should not see any asp tags or comments - all the asp/VBscript
code should be converted to HTML - if not, there is something seriously
wrong with the page or the server.

Using upload or cut'n'paste will not work since this will give the asp
stuff to the validator - it should only see what the browser sees.



Many thanks again! I've used the URL option on the validator. It does
eliminate the errors associate with ASP. The validator however has an issue
with data in a drop-down/combo box. It list the data as well as the code.
Some of the records has an "&" which the validator does not like.

I do have another question. The ASP web page has:

"…m/town1111.css"><meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="town-of-stoneham

Which the validator feeds back an error of:
" value of attribute "NAME" must be a single token"

Is the name "Microsoft Theme" critical? Is there a substitute?

Jim T.


The validator is correct, but the error can be ignored - it will not affect
the rendering of the page.

The "&" errors should probably be spelled "& a m p ;" (without the spaces -
spaces are included here to prevent the HTML interface to this newsgroup
rendering as "&").

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