problems w/ & network templates



Hello all...
I have several users that all work off of shared templates. The problem is
that their auto text feature somehow got messed up. They didn't do anything
right? Anyway, I need to correct this issue. How can I do this? Do I need to
get everyone using the same file? Do I make them use their local file? Do I make them recreate these templates in Word2003 that were
probably originally created with Word2000?
This is becoming a major issue with them and me. If I make them use there
local file and not point their Word to the network templates folder then it's
inconvenient for them to use explorer.
Any suggestions? This was working at some point before I came on board.
Thanks alot!

Terry Farrell

No, do not try to share

You have several choices. One is to save the AutoText with the TEMPLATE from
which the users are creating documents. But the AT will be available only to
those documents based on the template.

Best solution may be to create a special template for ALL Global AT and save
it to a folder on the server. Change everyone's Word Startup to point to the
location on the server. Now when the users start Word (or Outlook), all the
AT in the new template will become GLOBAL and available to everyone all of
the time.

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