Problems with autoflow



When copying and pasting text into a text box, and the text doesn't fit in
the box, I know how to create another text box and click on the link to
connect the frames to have the text flow from one box to the next, and it
adjusts itself if I type or paste any more text. Today when the window popped
up asking if I wanted to use autoflow, I clicked yes, thinking it would do
what I had always done manually, just make the text flow into the next empty
text box. It didn't -- it broke the text up into pieces and scattered it. I
deleted it all and tried to go back to doing it on my own, but now every time
I cut and paste into a text box, it breaks it up (all the paragraphs into
separate text boxes. One alternative is to just leave it in separate text
boxes and put them all together so it looks like one unti, but it won't let
me do that. There is space between each of the text boxes that won't let me
put them together so it looks like one unit.

I clicked on help and found info. about how to turn on autoflow, but not how
to turn it off. I deleted everything, closed Publisher, opened it again, and
tried to paste the text in again from scratch, but it keeps doing the same

Can anyone help?


It is from an e-mail. But that has never been a problem before.

Barbara H.

JoAnn Paules said:
Is this text from a website or other HTML source?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

BarbaraH06 said:
When copying and pasting text into a text box, and the text doesn't fit in
the box, I know how to create another text box and click on the link to
connect the frames to have the text flow from one box to the next, and it
adjusts itself if I type or paste any more text. Today when the window
up asking if I wanted to use autoflow, I clicked yes, thinking it would do
what I had always done manually, just make the text flow into the next
text box. It didn't -- it broke the text up into pieces and scattered it.
deleted it all and tried to go back to doing it on my own, but now every
I cut and paste into a text box, it breaks it up (all the paragraphs into
separate text boxes. One alternative is to just leave it in separate text
boxes and put them all together so it looks like one unti, but it won't
me do that. There is space between each of the text boxes that won't let
put them together so it looks like one unit.

I clicked on help and found info. about how to turn on autoflow, but not
to turn it off. I deleted everything, closed Publisher, opened it again,
tried to paste the text in again from scratch, but it keeps doing the same

Can anyone help?

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

Try Edit - Paste Special.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

BarbaraH06 said:
It is from an e-mail. But that has never been a problem before.

Barbara H.

JoAnn Paules said:
Is this text from a website or other HTML source?


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

How to ask a question

BarbaraH06 said:
When copying and pasting text into a text box, and the text doesn't fit
the box, I know how to create another text box and click on the link to
connect the frames to have the text flow from one box to the next, and
adjusts itself if I type or paste any more text. Today when the window
up asking if I wanted to use autoflow, I clicked yes, thinking it would
what I had always done manually, just make the text flow into the next
text box. It didn't -- it broke the text up into pieces and scattered
deleted it all and tried to go back to doing it on my own, but now
I cut and paste into a text box, it breaks it up (all the paragraphs
separate text boxes. One alternative is to just leave it in separate
boxes and put them all together so it looks like one unti, but it won't
me do that. There is space between each of the text boxes that won't
put them together so it looks like one unit.

I clicked on help and found info. about how to turn on autoflow, but
to turn it off. I deleted everything, closed Publisher, opened it
tried to paste the text in again from scratch, but it keeps doing the

Can anyone help?

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