Problems with Captions & Cross-refernce tables



I am generating a looong document that has lots of figures
& tables. I am using the "insert captions" and "insert
cross-references" features in this document. I am also
working on this document from two machines - one from home
and the other at work. Both machines are running Word
2000. The OS on my home machine is 98/SE; the work machine
uses 2000/Pro. When working on the docment from home, I
have the full set of figures and table captions displayed
and can use all of them when I go to insert either a new
caption or want to insert a new cross-referenct to one of
them. However, when I port the file to my machine @ work,
I get a VERY abbreviated list. In fact hardly any of the
captions show up. Consequently, when I go to insert a new
one, the numbering gets all screwed-up. Moreover, I can't
cross-reference to figures and tables that don't show-up
on the list. So, what I want to know is ... why doesn't
the "master captions & cross-refernces list" get copied
with the file when I download the document to disk to
transfer from home-to-work and vice versa? I have tried
the "select All" and "F9" deal, but it doesn't do the
trick. Help!

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