Problems with ClearContents in Excel 2003



Help! When using Excel 2003, it takes a very long time for me to
clear the contents of a large number of cells. The delay occurs
whether I clear the contents manually in Excel, or within a VBA macro.
This problem began several weeks ago and has persisted. For example,
when I clear 20,000 rows in a moderately large workbook (12Meg) it
takes 10 minutes. I ran the same macro on a co-workers computer (exact
same workbook) and it took less than 0.2 seconds. I reinstalled Office
2003 and this did not help (no impact)

This is driving me crazy.... I have an up to date computer (2 meg
memory) and I am using XP pro... have disabled Google desktop (no
impact), and have very little unusual on my machine.

one possible clue... when I use a macro that clears, say, 100 rows at
a time, and set a timer, the length of time it takes to perform the
clearcontents function increases with each subsequent call. For
example the first 100 rows takes 0.3 seconds.. the next 100 rows takes
0.6 seconds, and so on.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Did you run disk clean up and defrag? It takes a few minutes to run these
but it could help speed up your execution time considerably if you have never
run them before. They clear your temp cache files and compact your other
files. You access them through Control Panel.


Thanks for the reply

I do run both of those programs fairly regularly. I do quite a lot of
intensive calculation and so I generally pay close attention to
performance issues, and I don't think that is it. However, I am not
sure I have run them since the clearcontents issue emerged and so I
will do that.

Dave Peterson

Check your other post, too.

Help! When using Excel 2003, it takes a very long time for me to
clear the contents of a large number of cells. The delay occurs
whether I clear the contents manually in Excel, or within a VBA macro.
This problem began several weeks ago and has persisted. For example,
when I clear 20,000 rows in a moderately large workbook (12Meg) it
takes 10 minutes. I ran the same macro on a co-workers computer (exact
same workbook) and it took less than 0.2 seconds. I reinstalled Office
2003 and this did not help (no impact)

This is driving me crazy.... I have an up to date computer (2 meg
memory) and I am using XP pro... have disabled Google desktop (no
impact), and have very little unusual on my machine.

one possible clue... when I use a macro that clears, say, 100 rows at
a time, and set a timer, the length of time it takes to perform the
clearcontents function increases with each subsequent call. For
example the first 100 rows takes 0.3 seconds.. the next 100 rows takes
0.6 seconds, and so on.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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