Problems with Combobox




My problem is when i try to cut and paste a combobox from one sheet t

The thing is that i first update the combobox by the addItem function
then i cut the combobox and paste it in another worksheet. But when
paste it all the added items are lost. I have also tried to copy th
combobox to another worksheet, and everything seems fine with th
original combobox containing all the added items. This is the cod

"an addItem loop adding the elements" then
Workbooks("The workbook").Sheets("The sheet").Activate
ActiveSheet.Range("The Range").Select

What seems a bit strange to me, is when I manually with th
ListFillRange in properties add items to the combobox and cut/paste th
combobox everything goes just fine.

All help, is good hel


Well, it might work to copy all code to another sheet. But in this case
it's not a very good idea im afraid. My program has become quite
complex. But if someone knows how to call a code sequence only once
when a combobox is selected, i think the problem will be solved. I've
tried subs as Combobox1_Click and
Combobox1_GotFocus, but they're called every single time the combobox
is "used".



i don't know how to copy items added by AddItem with a combobox
at a time. but i suppose the following can copy items,

Dim varList As Variant
varList = ComboBox1.List
Workbooks("The workbook").Sheets("The sheet").Activate
ActiveSheet.Range("The Range").Select
Selection.Object.List = varList

when i copy a combobox, the added items are lost always
whether by macro or manual operation. and they are not saved
in a workbook file. (Excel2000)

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