When I read a coloumn "Periode end" and store it in a different sheet
I have the problem that month and day is swapped if they are both <
i.e if "Periode end" is 09-03-2009 in the below - 03-09-2009 will be
stored in the target cell
How to set the read date format?
Set rs_SOURCE = New ADODB.Recordset
rs_SOURCE.Open "Select [Alert], [Period end] From
[VTM,_monitorInstances_export$] where [Unit ID] =" & Right(ms_TEMP,
5), ExcelConn, _
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'Update Date
.Cells(ml_TARGET_ROW, 10).Value = Format
(rs_SOURCE("Period end"), "dd-mm-yyyy")
I have the problem that month and day is swapped if they are both <
i.e if "Periode end" is 09-03-2009 in the below - 03-09-2009 will be
stored in the target cell
How to set the read date format?
Set rs_SOURCE = New ADODB.Recordset
rs_SOURCE.Open "Select [Alert], [Period end] From
[VTM,_monitorInstances_export$] where [Unit ID] =" & Right(ms_TEMP,
5), ExcelConn, _
adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
'Update Date
.Cells(ml_TARGET_ROW, 10).Value = Format
(rs_SOURCE("Period end"), "dd-mm-yyyy")