Problems with "delete" queries, - error no. 3086


Lars Munch

I am developing a database system, where both back

end and front end are made in MS Access. The back

end will be located on a server, and the front end

will be located on each user's PC. Until now the

back end and the front end are both located on my own

PC in different directories.

I am updating, adding and deleting records of the

tables with the use of different kinds of queries.

In order to make it easier for the users and in order

to secure that the queries always run in the correct

order and referential integrity is always fulfilled,

the queries can be (are normally) activated by


However most of the delete queries will not run at

all. I get an error message no. 3086 telling that

either the database may be opened as "read only" or I

may not have writing rights to the table. If this

were correct, I suppose it should also be impossible

to run the update ande append queries. However these

queries run without problems. I can easily delete

records by opening the table (either through the

front end or directly in the back end), selecting the

row (record) and push the delete button, but I won't

let my users do it this way. When I check menu

Fuctions -> Security -> Users and groups.., I find

that I am administrator with all rights in both front

end and back end. Therefore I believe that this

error message is misleading.

I will be thankful if anyone has an idea, what the

real error can be, and what I can do to run my delete



Gary Walter

Hi Lars,

If you are using Access 200x,
and the delete queries include multiple tables,
and error 3086 "Couldn't delete from specified tables,"
then one possible problem is

you need to set UniqueRecords to Yes
in your delete queries.;en-us;240098
ACC2000: "Could Not Delete from Specified Tables"
Error Message in Delete Query

***** QUOTE ****
Set the UniqueRecords property of the query to Yes.
To set the UniqueRecords property of the query to Yes,
follow these steps:
Open the delete query in Design view.
On the View menu, click Properties.
Set the UniqueRecords property to Yes.
Save the query, and then close it.
*** UNQUOTE ****

Please respond back if I have misunderstood.

Good luck,

Gary Walter

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