Shane Davis
We have had a very recent problem which arises only in MS Word. We
currently use Mac OSX and keep up to date with software releases.
On printing documents from an existing/ old letter/ document which
has then been modified, there appears to be very faint text on
approximately every 5 to 7th line. When creating a document from
new, this does not appear to happen. We have tried highlighting all the
text and then selecting "normal" for the text, but this appears to have
no effect. The printer heads are cleaned and still this problem occurs.
Any clues?
currently use Mac OSX and keep up to date with software releases.
On printing documents from an existing/ old letter/ document which
has then been modified, there appears to be very faint text on
approximately every 5 to 7th line. When creating a document from
new, this does not appear to happen. We have tried highlighting all the
text and then selecting "normal" for the text, but this appears to have
no effect. The printer heads are cleaned and still this problem occurs.
Any clues?