Problems with dropdown list



I am having a problem with the code below. When the page loads the data it
is pulled from the db just fine. But when I try to update the dropdown list
that has the onchange added to it is not working. Am I leaving something
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


function UpdateSample1()
var CallTypSelect = document.forms.FrontPage_Form1.CallTyp;
var SeveritySelect = document.forms.FrontPage_Form1.Severity;

SeveritySelect.options.length = 0; // Clear the popup

if (CallTypSelect.options[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value == "Question")
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option(" ");
else if (CallTypSelect.options[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value ==
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option(" ");
else if (CallTypSelect.options[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value ==
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option("S1");
SeveritySelect.options[1] = new Option("S2");

<form method="POST" action="submitupdate.asp" onsubmit="return
FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)" language="JavaScript"
<td width="34%" height="22"><b>
<select size="1" name="CallTyp" onchange="UpdateSample1()">
<option selected><%=RSupdate("CallTyp")%></option>
If RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Question" then
<% end if %>
if RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Other" Then
<% end if %>
if RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Problem" Then
End if

<td width="34%" height="22"><b>
if RSupdate("Severity1")="S1" then
sever1 ="S1"
End if
if RSupdate("Severity2")="S2" then
sever1 ="S2"
End if
<select size="1" name="Severity">
<option selected> <%=Sever1%></option>

Jim Buyens

Yes, you're leaving out the value= attributes in your
<option> tags. You need to code

<option value="Problem">Problem</option>

if you want


to return a non-empty value.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

-----Original Message-----
I am having a problem with the code below. When the page
loads the data it is pulled from the db just fine. But
when I try to update the dropdown list that has the
onchange added to it is not working. Am I leaving
something out.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.


function UpdateSample1()
var CallTypSelect = document.forms.FrontPage_Form1.CallTyp;
var SeveritySelect = document.forms.FrontPage_Form1.Severity;

SeveritySelect.options.length = 0; // Clear the popup

if (CallTypSelect.options
[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value == "Question")
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option(" ");
else if (CallTypSelect.options
[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value ==
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option(" ");
else if (CallTypSelect.options
[CallTypSelect.selectedIndex].value ==
SeveritySelect.options[0] = new Option("S1");
SeveritySelect.options[1] = new Option("S2");

<form method="POST" action="submitupdate.asp" onsubmit="return
FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)" language="JavaScript"
<td width="34%" height="22"><b>
<select size="1" name="CallTyp" onchange="UpdateSample1 ()">
<option selected><%=RSupdate("CallTyp")%></option>
If RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Question" then
<% end if %>
if RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Other" Then
<% end if %>
if RSupdate("CallTyp")= "Problem" Then
End if

<td width="34%" height="22"><b>
if RSupdate("Severity1")="S1" then
sever1 ="S1"
End if
if RSupdate("Severity2")="S2" then
sever1 ="S2"
End if
<select size="1" name="Severity">
<option selected> <%=Sever1%></option>


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