I have an add-in that shows up in the menu when turned on. No problem there.
however, when I try to run it, it has a compile error. Another Mac in my
group also has this problem, yet others on PC don't have it.
Cripes, let's get this to work. I'm in an MBA and I don't want the Mac to
trip now. I'm battling so many PC users.
The macro probably
a) uses ActiveX controls, which are unavailable on Macs. The fix is
to use controls from the Forms toolbar.
b) uses VBA6 commands, like Replace(), Join(), Split(),Round(),
etc., which are available on WinXL00 and later. MacXL (all versions)
and WinXL97 are at VBA version 5. The fix is to use VBA5 commands,
or write substitutes for them and conditionally compile (I have
written substitutes for all the above and more, post back if you
need assistance).
or c) uses one of the few commands that have actual syntax
differences (such as the GetOpenFilename method's FileFilter
argument). The fix is to conditionally compile using Win or Mac
If you have access to the code (i.e. if you're given the option to
select Debug when you get the error), you may be able to determine
the problem. If the add-in is non-proprietary, you can also send it
to me (compressed as a .sit or .zip file). I usually set up a screen
that allows messages with attachments from known addresses, but
unless you're really a TLD pioneer, I suspect your email is bogus.
If you post back that you're sending it, I'll try to keep an eye out
for it, but since I typically get over 2000 spams a day, I won't
guarantee that I won't miss it.