I have written a new function to add the values that I obtain from a Hlookup.
My code is
Function SumRev(DateFrom, DateTo)
Dim dteDate As Date
Dim Total As Double
Dim Revenue As Double
Total = 0
Revenue = 0
For dteDate = DateFrom To DateTo
Revenue = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(dteDate, Range("Revenue_Table"),
21, False)
Total = Total + Revenue
SumRev = Total
End Function
I keep getting a #VALUE! error. I know the error comes from the dteDate
parameter in my Hlookup because when I change this to DateFrom it works. But
I need to add a range of values.
Can somebody help.
My code is
Function SumRev(DateFrom, DateTo)
Dim dteDate As Date
Dim Total As Double
Dim Revenue As Double
Total = 0
Revenue = 0
For dteDate = DateFrom To DateTo
Revenue = WorksheetFunction.HLookup(dteDate, Range("Revenue_Table"),
21, False)
Total = Total + Revenue
SumRev = Total
End Function
I keep getting a #VALUE! error. I know the error comes from the dteDate
parameter in my Hlookup because when I change this to DateFrom it works. But
I need to add a range of values.
Can somebody help.