Problems with Jet SP8 Security Update K837001 and non-updatable table error


Dr. Know

Hey Folks,

Geezzz, just when things are going smoothly, Bill goes and updates Jet
again, and throws a wrench into many ACCESS apps I have deployed in
the field.

Has anyone else run across this problem?

For example, I have a past due accounts e-mail notification program
that is used to notify a clients past due accounts of their overdue
status. It parses the invoices database of a foreign DB system (DDMS)
and assembles an HTML or TEXT file summarizing the account status
which is subsequently e-mailed through a remote SMTP server. This app
has worked perfectly for all my customers using ACCESS 2000 and the
Jet Engine SP8 - DLL version 4.0.8015.0 and earlier.

That is, until April 14, when I was bombarded with dozens of irate
phone calls concerning the app which no longer functions after
installing MS Security Update K837001 - Jet SP8 - DLL 4.0.8618.0.

After banging my head on this for a while, I discovered that you can
no longer update any field in a SQL query based form with two tables
with a one-to-one relationship. ACCESS responds with a error 2006,
table not updatable error. This is ridiculous!

I recreated the SQL select in a standard query, and sure enough, it
doesn't work anymore. Two rather plain tables, linked on one field
with a one-to-one relationship will not allow updates. Verified on
three different systems.

Here is the SQL query:

SELECT tbl_ARPastDueSelection.CustomerNumber,
tbl_ARCustomers.CustomerName, tbl_ARPastDueSelection.Balance,
tbl_ARPastDueSelection.InvoicesPastDue, tbl_ARCustomers.PEMailContact,
tbl_ARCustomers.PEMailAddress, tbl_ARPastDueSelection.SalesRep,
tbl_ARPastDueSelection.RepName, tbl_ARPastDueSelection.RepEmail,
tbl_ARCustomers.TextOnly, tbl_ARCustomers.NotifyDefault,
tbl_ARPastDueSelection.NotifySession, tbl_ARPastDueSelection.Notified
FROM tbl_ARCustomers INNER JOIN tbl_ARPastDueSelection ON
tbl_ARCustomers.CustomerNumber = tbl_ARPastDueSelection.CustomerNumber
ORDER BY tbl_ARPastDueSelection.CustomerNumber;

The program used to update the tbl_ARPastDueSelection.Notified field
from False to True after an e-mail was successfully sent, but not now!
It fails with the aforementioned error.

As a temporary work-around, I changed the RecordSet type from Dynaset
to Dynaset [Inconsistent Updates], and it now works again, but can
anyone tell me what the heck they are doing/were thinking with this?
I have dozens of apps that are failing because of this change!


Dr. Know

Allen Browne

Am unable to reproduce this in Access 2003, but I do not have your DDMS back
end so perhaps that is the difference.

Dr. Know

Allen Browne said:
Am unable to reproduce this in Access 2003, but I do not have your DDMS back
end so perhaps that is the difference.

Thanks for the input. But the ACCESS version they use is 2000.
They don't want to 'upgrade'. I don't know if versions matter but I
don't use anything but 2000 - because that is what the dealers use.

The DDMS database is actually irrelevant, as the data is pulled into
ACCESS tables before processing - This part works.

I tried imported the ACCESS tables into a new database and I STILL
cannot write to the tables based upon the select query I included


Dr. Know

Allen Browne

Tried in A2000 also, but did not get a read-only result.
Was able to write to both tables in the one-to-one relationship.

Allen Browne

DrKnow, even though I was not able to repro. this, I did speak to our
contact in Microsoft about this, and they suggested you contact Product
Support Services directly.

The page that talks about this security update at:
includes this statement under the heading "Support":

Customers in the U.S. and Canada can get technical support from Microsoft
Product Support Services (clicking this link takes you to
at 1-866-PCSAFETY. There is no charge for support calls that are associated
with security updates.

International customers can get support from their local Microsoft
subsidiaries. There is no charge for support associated with security
updates. For more information on how to contact Microsoft for support
issues, visit the International Support Web site (clicking this link takes
you to

Please post back after you have sorted this out and let us know if/how it
was resolved.

Hope that helps.

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