Problems with Microsoft Office Word 2007




I have are a couple of problems with Word 2007.

When I open Word 2007, it comes out with the word "Okay" on each blank page
document and I do not know how to get it back to a blank page each time it
is opened. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the writing and just have
a blank document again every time I open it?

The second problem I have with Word 2007 is, every time I try to cut and
paste anything into it, only part of the document I am pasting into it shows
up. Can you help me rectify this please?

I have tried back up and restoring, but this did not work.

I will admit I downloaded a program to work directly within Word and I had
to use the "add in's" within Word so that the program worked within it but I
got rid of that program in the end and did a backup and restore.

Before I installed that program, I could cut and paste anything into Word
with no problems. Has anybody got any ideas on how I get it back to where I
can cut and paste again in a word document?




Thanks Gordon, I fathomed how to get a blank page again through the Website
you gave me but I am still having problems with the cut and pasting

I looked on that website you gave me, but I could not see anywhere on it
that tells me how to rectify this problem.

Just to recap, in Word 2007, if I try to cut and paste any document or file
into a Word document, it only shows part of the document pasted into Word.
This never use to happen before and I had no trouble doing this. Can
anybody tell me how I get my Word 2007 back to the status quo so I can then
cut and paste documents or files into it like I could before?


Terry Farrell

It sounds like Word was left running whilst this week's updates installed
which corrupted the Word Data Key. You need to run Regedit and navigate to
the key and whilst DATA is selected, press DELETE. Word will create a new
key when you restart.

Word data Key


Terry Farrell

It's not difficult. Open the Run Dialog (WinKey+R) or use Start and select
RUN. Now type in


and press enter. That opens the registry editor. Then double-click on each
item which will progressively take you to the Data key:

Then single click on DATA to select it: press your DELETE key.

Close the registry editor and restart Word.



It's not difficult. Open the Run Dialog (WinKey+R) or use Start and select
RUN. Now type in

and press enter. That opens the registry editor.

Yes I did that and the registry editor opened

In registry editor, I clicked on "Word">"Data" and on the right hand side of
"Data" there were three items: -

1. ab (default) REG_SZ

2. 011 then underneath it says 100 then it says Settings, REG_BINARY ba 00
72 30 01 00 00 96 01 00 00 04 00 00 00 1e...

3. 011 then underneath it says 100 then it says Toolbars, REG_BINARY 4a 00
00 00 a0 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
Then double-click on each
item which will progressively take you to the Data key:

I did that and on each one I double clicked on the first one as shown above
and it brought up a small window which was titled "Edit String" then it said
"Value Name" (default) than it said "Value Data" which showed a slim window
with no writing in it, and I just clicked "OK"

I double clicked on the second one (Settings) that brought up the settings
configuration which showed a lot of binary numbers, then again I clicked

Ditto with the third one (Toolbars)

Then single click on DATA to select it: press your DELETE key.

This is where I got lost Terry, I couldn't fathom out what you meant, anyway
I tried the cut and paste thing again and that it is still the same and it
is only putting the very last piece of the picture in the word document just
as it did before.

I am sorry, I am such a novice, perhaps you could explain it again in layman
terms for me as I am worried about pressing the wrong thing.

Thanks Terry


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Select the word "Data" and delete it.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via

Terry Farrell

Why are you double-clicking anything in the right hand pane? My final
instruction was...

"Then single click on DATA to select it: press your DELETE key"

Nowhere did I say double-click anything in the right hand pane. Don't
over-complicate this. Just select DATA and press DELETE (on your keyboard).



I went into the registry, but I did not change anything within there, so no
damage has appeared. All I have done now, is exactly what you have asked me
to do which is to delete "Data" in "Word" within the registry. I have done
this three times and rebooted three times and after deleting the "Data" each
time, it comes back when I reboot thus, still leaving the problem.

Can you think what else it could be?

Thank you


Terry Farrell

That is correct reaction: when the Data Key is deleted, it is automatically
recreated when Word is restarted (but it will be fresh and uncorrupted).

To resolve the other part of the problem, you need to find normal.dotm and
rename it normal.bad. Presuming you are using Word 2007 in Vista, you will
find the file in:


With Word closed, use Windows Explorer to get to the Templates folder above,
select normal.dotm, right-click and choose Rename; then change it to
normal.bad. Whilst in that folder, if you see ANY templates or files
starting with a ~ character, delete them.

Now test Word again.



Brilliant Terry!!! Thank you very much indeed! It now works perfectly.

Just one thing, renaming the normal.dotm to normal.bad has left a file there
in templates as a blank piece of paper with the filename "normal.bad" and
created a new normal.dotm which I assume is the new uncorrupted file.

What do I do with the normal.bad blank piece of paper file, do I delete it
or just leave it there?

I checked all the other templates and there were no others there with the ~

Thank you so much for your patience and help.


Terry Farrell

We recommend renaming rather than deleting as normal.dotm sometimes stores
special user create macros and styles which can be copied to the normal.bad
to the normal.dotm using the Oganizer. If you ignore it for a few session
until you are happy that nothing is missing, then delete it.



Terry, may I ask another question please.

I am not going to tamper with this, so do not panic, these are just only

Am I right in saying that, if I select the normal.dotm word file from
templates from within the office button and I change such things as "line
spacing" or "change curly quotes to straight quotes" or any other such
variation and I save it afterwards, does that mean that every subsequent
word document I open will automatically have those changes in them?

If so, would I also be right in saying that I should make a separate
template in "Templates" specifically with these changes in them for that

You may or may not know this but being a Microsoft Word expert, would you
happen to know the exact format within a word document that professional
writers and author's use generally?

That includes all the punctuation, line spacing, font and anything else
there is to know for the general formatting of a manuscipt?

It does not matter if you do not know, I was just wondering if you did?


Terry Farrell

Many changes can be made permanently by editing normal.dotm. However, many
of the changes that you want to make can be done through the dialogs in
Word - such as page settings, font set, paragraph spacing, line spacing,
etc. and that is the easiest and safest way to change them (minimal risk of
corrupting normal.dotm). Those examples can all be done in the Font and
Paragraph dialogs by pressing the DEFAULT button in the dialogs after making
the changes.

Curly quotes (Smart Quotes) can be toggled off in the AutoCorrect Options
dialog (Word Options | Proofing tab).

However, most of these settings will only work for new document and not for
existing documents. If you need to change existing documents, then this can
be done in various ways dependant on the changes: attaching a new template
to a document, running a Find & Replace or using a macro are some of the

But in the long-term, creating your own templates is often the best method
because some changes to (such as adding a header or footer, for
example) can have unforeseen consequences with other Word functions.




In the word 2007 program, I can format how many spaces there should be after
the end of a sentence and the full stop. So for example, when a sentence
finishes, the next sentence will automatically start two spaces after the
previous one if set like that in word.

Can you tell me within the word program, if I can also do this with a comma?
I would like to, every time I use a comma for punctuation, have the next
word after the comma to start one space after it.

Is this possible at all and if it is, could you tell me how it is done
within the word program please.

Thank you


Graham Mayor

Neither is possible in Word ... automatically.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Terry Farrell

As Graham says. Also it is a waste of time unless you are using an 18th
Century typewriter type face because modern fonts auto-magically adjust the
spacing between words and characters to best fit. Putting in double-spaces
will be hit and miss: it also went out with typewriters.


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