problems with my class



i'm having a problem with one of my classes. i have 2 methods in my
class(among others):

Property Let IngredientName(Index As Integer, sName As String)
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
IngredientName = ""
rgSandwich.Offset(0, Index + 2).Value = sName
End If
End Property
Property Get IngredientName(Index As Integer) As String
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
IngredientName = rgSandwich.Offset(0, Index + 2).Value
End If
End Property

and a macro in a module:

Sub Testing()
Dim oSandwich As Sandwich
Dim oSandwiches As New Sandwiches

Set oSandwich = oSandwiches.Add("Testing Sandwich")

With oSandwich
.Name = "Testing Sandwich"
.Size = "Yeah"
' (see below)
End With

End Sub

i want to be able to have something like .IngredientName(1) =
"Tomatoes" or .IngredientName(3) = "Sauce" where the "(see below)"
comment is, but i'm not sure on how to structure my properties in order
to do so. does anyone know how i can do this?

thanks ahead of time,

Bob Phillips

There seems to be a bit of missing info.

I assume that Name and Size are other properties of the sandwich, and you
are using a collection class, but you give no details, or where rgSandwich



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)



well here's where rgSandwich is:

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
If WorksheetExists(wbSandwichAnalysis, SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET) Then
Set wsSandwiches = wbSandwichAnalysis.Worksheets(SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET)
Set wsSandwiches = Nothing
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 200, "Sandwich Class", "The worksheet named " & SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET & " could not be located."
End If
End Su

and here's name and size:

Property Let Name(NameString As String)
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
Name = ""
rgSandwich.Offset(0, NAME_OFFSET).Value = NameString
End If
End Property
Property Get Name() As String
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
Name = rgSandwich.Offset(0, NAME_OFFSET).Value
End If
End Property

Property Let Size(SizeString As String)
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
Size = ""
Select Case SizeString
Case "Small"
rgSandwich.Offset(0, SIZE_OFFSET).Value = SizeString
Case "Regular"
rgSandwich.Offset(0, SIZE_OFFSET).Value = SizeString
Case "Large"
rgSandwich.Offset(0, SIZE_OFFSET).Value = SizeString
Case "Flat Bread"
rgSandwich.Offset(0, SIZE_OFFSET).Value = SizeString
Case Else
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 514, "Sandwich Class", "Size not valid. " & _
"Either choose from valid sizes or create new size."
End Select
End If
End Property
Property Get Size() As String
If rgSandwich Is Nothing Then
Size = rgSandwich.Offset(0, SIZE_OFFSET)
End If
End Propert

George Nicholson

Below is some code from a very similar situation. How much of this approach
is appropriate for what you are trying to do is up to you.

I used an array variable to store my Ingredient information within a
Sandwich class (I also have a separate Ingredient class that contains
PrepTime, Inventory counters, etc. for a Restaurant simulator). Since any
given sandwich can have a variable number of ingredients, an Array seemed
the only way to create a dynamic ingredient list for each sandwich. I was
also storing # of Ingredient servings per sandwich, requiring a 2 dimension
array. Whether you need/want that complexity is up to you.

'****** Part of Piece/Sandwich class **********

Private mintIngredientCount As Integer
Private marrIngredients() As Variant 'IngrdID, Servings

Public Property Get IngredientCount() As Integer
IngredientCount = mintIngredientCount
End Property

Private Property Let IngredientCount(ByVal iNewValue As Integer)
' Count is Incremented when Let_Ingredient is called
mintIngredientCount = iNewValue
If mintIngredientCount > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve marrIngredients(1 To 2, 1 To mintIngredientCount)
End If
End Property

Public Property Get Ingredients(iDim1 As Integer, idim2 As Integer) As
Ingredients = marrIngredients(iDim1, idim2)
End Property

Public Property Let Ingredients(iDim1 As Integer, idim2 As Integer, ByVal
varNewValue As Variant)
'(1,x) = IngredientID (i.e., Name, ID#)
'(2,x) = IngredientQuant (i.e., # Servings)

If idim2 > mintIngredientCount Then
' Expand array
Me.IngredientCount = idim2
End If

marrIngredients(iDim1, idim2) = varNewValue
End Property

******* end of class excerpt ******************

With oSandwich
.Name = "Testing Sandwich"
.Size = "Yeah"
.Ingredients(1,1) = "Tomatotes"
' ? Maybe .Ingredients(1,1) = rgSandwich.Offset(0, Index + 2).Value
.Ingredients(2,1) = 2 '# of servings

.Ingredients(1,2) = "Sauce"
.Ingredients(2,2) = 1

' Example of how to access the stored information.
For i = 1 to .IngredientCount
' List IngredientName, Servings
Debug.Print .Ingredients(1,i); ", "; Ingredients(2,i)
Next i
End With

George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.


Bob Phillips

Not really, you have just introduced a lot more undefined code and you still
haven't given us anything about the collection class which gets defined.

Did you write this code, or borrow it from somewhere? Have you any idea what
it is/supposed to do?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

well here's where rgSandwich is:

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
If WorksheetExists(wbSandwichAnalysis, SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET) Then
Set wsSandwiches = wbSandwichAnalysis.Worksheets(SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET)
Set wsSandwiches = Nothing
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 200, "Sandwich Class", "The worksheet named "
& SANDWICHES_WORKSHEET & " could not be located."

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