Hi Alan:
One problem I noticed was that you were deleting things BEFORE you ran
Remove Office. If you do that, Remove Office cannot work. You need to run
it before you do anything else.
Another problem I noticed was that you said the Tools item was missing from
your menu bar. Beth gave you the cure for that: replace your Normal
Having done that, the tools item should be back. When it is, I need you to
check the add-ins, as I described in my previous post. I think that's where
your problem is.
I suspect that you have either installed a haxie or add-in that has
installed an item in your Word/Startup folder, or you have picked up a
virus. Either way, it will show up in Tools>Templates and Addins.
There's a variety of other problems it "could" be. We can certainly hang in
there and help you to find this problem. If you want to email me your phone
number, I will give you a ring and talk you through it. We should be able
to find this in a few minutes.
But what I am struggling with at the moment is that you are "trying
everything all at once." Since in a computer "everything depends on
everything else" I now have the problem that I do not know what is going on,
and you are making major changes so that each day I have a new set of
potential problems
What I really need is for you to do:
1) a Remove Office,
2) then delete your Office folder so I know there are no templates left,
3) then delete your Normal Template from the Microsoft User Data Folder,
4) then run Disk Utility and Repair Permissions
5) then do a reinstall using the installer,
6) then reboot your computer.
If you do all of these things in order, without doing anything else as well,
we get your computer back to a known state from which I can find and fix the
problem. But simple things can pull the whole process unstuck. For
example, if you delete any files before running remove Office, Remove Office
will give up and you get left with old damaged files on the hard disk which
will come back into service after you reinstall. If you have moved files or
folders around Remove Office can't find them and doesn't delete them. If
your antivirus is not up-to-date, or if you have not run a full scan of your
hard disk, there can be a virus hidden in one of your templates that keeps
getting reinstalled. If your disk permissions are bad, the reinstall won't
complete successfully. The possibilities are endless, and I can't make any
progress until we get your installation into a known and stable state.
Hope this helps
Beth and John,
I did it all and nothing works. Followed your directions to a "T". Once
more every thing about office 2004 is slow, including "save." There is
a 3 second delay in typing before it shows up on the screen. As I said
I am going to reinstall office x and see if I can do any better,
otherwise a will search for another word processor. Thanks for the
Please reply to the newsgroup to maintain the thread. Please do not email
me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie <
[email protected]>
Consultant Technical Writer
Sydney, Australia +61 4 1209 1410