Problems with page buttons in scroll bar



I'm having some problems with the page buttons in the scroll bar :

- if I do a Find text command, the page buttons change to find text
buttons. Don't know how to reset them - I've been having to quit and
restart Word.

- if I split the window into 2 windows with the
horizon-split-window-bar (or whatever it is called), and the cursor is
in the top split window and I click a page button in the bottom split
window, the top, not bottom split window is scolled a page. I have to
put the cursor in the bottom split window for this split window to
On the side, can Word have more than 1 split in a window or vertical
splits ? MPW allows an unlimited number of horizon or vertical splits,
to the point where the window runs out of space for all of the scroll
bars from all of the split windows. Vertical splits are useful when
doing side-by-side comparisions of 2 pages, eg. Currently, I can do a
side-by-side comparision only by making a duplicate of the document
file and opening both files.



As an extension to Daiya's reply:

#2- Even though you split the window, only one pane can be active at a time,
and that is determined by which one your insertion point is in. Yes, there
are two sets of Browse Objects buttons, but they both pertain to the same
document & whichever pane is active. The Scroll Bars & Buttons, however,
operate independently for each pane.

#3- You can't have more than one Split per doc window, but you can go to
Window|New Window, then go back & select Arrange All, which will present the
same doc in 2 separate windows. This might even give you more what you are
looking for, and each of the windows can be split.

BTW- You might want to experiment with using the Navigator Pane in
conjunction with the multiple windows. Apply it in one window & use the
split in the other, for example.

HTH |:>)

Daiya Mitchell

#2- Even though you split the window, only one pane can be active at a time,
and that is determined by which one your insertion point is in. Yes, there
are two sets of Browse Objects buttons, but they both pertain to the same
document & whichever pane is active. The Scroll Bars & Buttons, however,
operate independently for each pane.

Thanks, CyberTaz. Nice explanation. I was trying to rationalize the
behavior, and figured it had something to do with those being BrowseNext
buttons and not Page buttons, but couldn't sort the logic.


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