problems with published forms



In 98, we had two forms - one visible and one hidden because it was
designated in the actions page of the other under "Creates form of type" for
the actions Reply and Respond to User (a button that appears when receiving
the first form).

I've published new versions of each in 2003 including print buttons (using
the download to Word method to print) to the Organizational Forms Library and
am having problems. First of all, the print buttons don't work for people
receiving the forms. Secondly, the error message "the form you selected
could not be displayed" appears when the receiver clicks on the Respond to
User button (even though I've put the new name of the second form into the
design of the first form).

Can anyone help? Are these security issues? I've kept the "Send form
definition with item" checkbox ticked for each form (as it was in 97) - is
this the right thing to do?



Sorted! Thanks Sue for your various answers to other threads re NOT ticking
"Send form definition with item" for shared forms to stop one-offing (which
was why my custom print button wasn't working for the recipient). The
problem I was having regarding the hidden response form was that I should
have double-clicked the "Creates form of type" field in the Actions page and
chosen the form from "Forms..." in the dropdown list rather than just typing

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