Stian St?vland
I used to have word's spelling check set to Norwegian. After I changed
to english UK, I can´t get it back to work with the Norwegian. English
works fine though.
If I transfer a document to another computer, where the spelling check
works fine, the other computer won't check the transferred document
unless I copy the text into another document, and it will be checked
on that computer. What is wrong with the mac that won't do spelling
check. Is the dictionary missing?
to english UK, I can´t get it back to work with the Norwegian. English
works fine though.
If I transfer a document to another computer, where the spelling check
works fine, the other computer won't check the transferred document
unless I copy the text into another document, and it will be checked
on that computer. What is wrong with the mac that won't do spelling
check. Is the dictionary missing?