Problems with the OLE Server WITHOUT Norton AV




Help Please !!!

I have a very annoying problem with the Access 2000
I have installed on several computers...

An error message keeps appearing and making my life
impossible: "A problem occurred while Microsoft Access
was communicating with the OLE Server"...

I have looked thru the technical support pages of
microsoft and the closest I have been of the answer
to my problem is in:;en-
There is just One problem with the solutions described
at that link:
I have not Installed the Norton AV in the computers and
the message does not appear when linking or embedding
any Word document. It appears when launching Access!!!

All I have is a small LAN that interconnects them and
seems that when one of them begins displaying the error
the rest of the computers follow !

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated at
(e-mail address removed) or here


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