Angus Comber
The code below opens a new Word doc based on a template. It generally works
fine but for some PC's delivered by Dell where they pre-installed Office XP
Professional (Word 2002) the Find code doesn't work.
Anyone any ideas why the Find would not work - the Find works on my test
PCs - including a test PC running Windows XP and Office XP Professional.
But not on these Dell delivered PC's. I can't understand why?
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objWordDoc As Word.Document
Dim docspath As String ' Path to template [Template has <Address> and
<Dear> in document]
Dim StrToWord As String
StrToWord = "Angus Comber 1 The Avenue Berks"
Dim sDear As String
sDear = "Angus"
On Error Resume Next 'WordStart
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set objWord = New Word.Application
End If
If objWord Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "objWord is nothing"
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.Visible = True
' To run this code you will need to change this path to the path you save
docspath = "c:\program files\ioffice\ltemplat\letter.dot"
Set objWordDoc = objWord.Documents.Add(docspath, False)
' Sometime get a valid objWord object but problem creating document based on
' So still need to check a valid objWordDoc created
If objWordDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to create Word Document object based on template: " &
docspath & " Unable to proceed with Word creation", vbCritical, "Word Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim bRet As Boolean
' All the Find code lines below do NOT work on Dell delivered PC's
bRet = objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute("<Address>", False, False, False,
False, False, True, Word.wdFindContinue, False, StrToWord,
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute ..." ' returns
False with Dell Office XP Pro pre-installed PC's
bRet = objWord.Selection.Find.Execute(findtext:="<Dear>",
replacewith:="FormattedDear", Replace:=wdReplaceAll)
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWord.Selection.Find.Execute ..."
bRet = objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute("<Dear>", False, False, , , , , , ,
sDear, True)
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute ..."
MsgBox "Just to show you that other Word automation commands work OK, Next
we will type in some text"
' TypeText works fine ALWAYS!
objWord.Selection.TypeText "This is some text here I have typed in!!"
I would really appreciate some help on this.
Angus Comber
(e-mail address removed)
fine but for some PC's delivered by Dell where they pre-installed Office XP
Professional (Word 2002) the Find code doesn't work.
Anyone any ideas why the Find would not work - the Find works on my test
PCs - including a test PC running Windows XP and Office XP Professional.
But not on these Dell delivered PC's. I can't understand why?
Dim objWord As Word.Application
Dim objWordDoc As Word.Document
Dim docspath As String ' Path to template [Template has <Address> and
<Dear> in document]
Dim StrToWord As String
StrToWord = "Angus Comber 1 The Avenue Berks"
Dim sDear As String
sDear = "Angus"
On Error Resume Next 'WordStart
Set objWord = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
If Err.Number = 429 Then
Set objWord = New Word.Application
End If
If objWord Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "objWord is nothing"
Exit Sub
End If
objWord.Visible = True
' To run this code you will need to change this path to the path you save
docspath = "c:\program files\ioffice\ltemplat\letter.dot"
Set objWordDoc = objWord.Documents.Add(docspath, False)
' Sometime get a valid objWord object but problem creating document based on
' So still need to check a valid objWordDoc created
If objWordDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Unable to create Word Document object based on template: " &
docspath & " Unable to proceed with Word creation", vbCritical, "Word Error"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim bRet As Boolean
' All the Find code lines below do NOT work on Dell delivered PC's
bRet = objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute("<Address>", False, False, False,
False, False, True, Word.wdFindContinue, False, StrToWord,
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute ..." ' returns
False with Dell Office XP Pro pre-installed PC's
bRet = objWord.Selection.Find.Execute(findtext:="<Dear>",
replacewith:="FormattedDear", Replace:=wdReplaceAll)
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWord.Selection.Find.Execute ..."
bRet = objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute("<Dear>", False, False, , , , , , ,
sDear, True)
MsgBox bRet & " returned from objWordDoc.Range.Find.Execute ..."
MsgBox "Just to show you that other Word automation commands work OK, Next
we will type in some text"
' TypeText works fine ALWAYS!
objWord.Selection.TypeText "This is some text here I have typed in!!"
I would really appreciate some help on this.
Angus Comber
(e-mail address removed)