proccessing dynamic form fields



I have a page that has form fields and their names are generated dynamically
based on the user ids. What this page does is search for all members that are
currently on a specific team and generate form entry fields for that person
and it cycles through all members and I end up with form fields named as
such form_kills1, form_kills2. So the names are the same only Member ids are
appended to the ends. Now here is how I am trying to process them on the
script page.

rsMembers = dbConn.Execute("Select * from tblmembers Where TeamID='" &
While NOT rsMembers.eof
MemberID = rsMembers("MemberID")
IF Request.form(MemberID) = "checked" Then
strplayer = MemberID
strkills = Request.Form("form_kills" + strplayer)
strdeaths = Request.Form("form_deaths" + strplayer)
strchickens = Request.Form("form_chickens" + strplayer)
strflags = Request.Form("form_flags" + strplayer)
set rsUpdateMatches = dbConn.Execute("Insert INTO tblmatches
(MemberID,MatchNum,Kills,Deaths,Chickens,Flags) values ("& MemberID &",
"&strmatchnum&", "&strkills&", "&strdeaths&", "&strchickens&", "&strflags&")")

my page is just getting timed out right now and im not sure why? but is this
the proper way to handle such a task? Thanks for the help

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