Processing digitally signed attachments



Hi guys,

I have problem with processing (retrieving basic properties like "TO",
"SUBJECT", "BODY") digitally signed attachments. I have tried it for
few weeks but all unsuccessfully. Here are the details:

I am working on program that retrieves useful data from pst files. I
am getting pop-ups when processing email attachments with digital
signatures, in other words emails with digital signatures attached to
other emails. I am getting the following pop-ups:
"Microsoft Office Outlook could not sign or encrypt this message
because you have no certificates which can be used to send from the
email address ..."
First of all, I am not trying to send anything – all I do is:

Outlook::_MailItem* pMailItem = NULL;
CComPtr<Outlook::MAPIFolder> pmfDrafts;
CComBSTR ccbstrFilePath("c:\TestOutlook\test.msg");

hr = pAttachment->SaveAsFile(ccbstrFilePath);
hr = pOutlook->CreateItemFromTemplate(ccbstrFilePath, (_variant_t)
pmfDrafts, &pDispatch);
hr = pDispatch->QueryInterface(__uuidof(Outlook::_MailItem),

hr = pMailItem->Save();
hr = pMailItem->Delete();

pMailItem->Save() is the call that causes the pop-up. I don't have the
right certificate for these email attachments, but I can manually
click "OK" and program successfully processes that item and jumps to
the next one. The automation becomes then manual!

I have tried to reset PR_MESSAGE_CLASS, but it didn't work (my guess
due to the permissions). I have also tried redemption and also
unsuccessful – all comes down to pMailItem->Save() call. I can't
retrieve any properties of pMailItem before I call Save().

I have run out of ideas, so any suggestions or ideas will be more than

Best regards,

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