I have a stock sheet in which i keep track of the date that stock was
received, where the stock is stored and the total stock. I enter the date
that the stock was received and the date that it was entered into the storage
place. What i need is for the Total Stock sheet to automatically calculate
the most recent date the stock was received.
Basically i want to use a function to compare two dates and produce the most
recent one, but am not sure which function will do this as the one that i
know only do this for numbers in which the smallest or earliest figure is
received, where the stock is stored and the total stock. I enter the date
that the stock was received and the date that it was entered into the storage
place. What i need is for the Total Stock sheet to automatically calculate
the most recent date the stock was received.
Basically i want to use a function to compare two dates and produce the most
recent one, but am not sure which function will do this as the one that i
know only do this for numbers in which the smallest or earliest figure is