Producer 2003 Final Launch


Joe Powell [MSFT]

The final release of Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 launched
yesterday, concurrently with the Office System 2003 launch.

Producer 2003 is now available for download via the Producer Home Page at Producer 2003 is
localized in the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified & Traditional Chinese, and Spanish.

You can read the press release and find links to watch or download Producer
presentations related to the Producer 2003 and Office System 2003 launches

I apologize for the late notice. In the final flurry before launch another
felllow and I each thought the other was doing the posting. Here it is,
nonethess, and I do appreciate your interest in and use of Producer.


Joe Powell
Lead Product Manager


Joe, where can users go to ask questions about Producer? There doesn't seem
to be a newsgroup for Producer, nor are there any Producer MVP's. What
level of community support does Microsoft plan to provide?


Now, Glen.... You know Sonia knows that. (You did, didn't you Sonia?) {g}
I seem to remember ... ahhh, here it is:

I think she was trying to make the point that the Producer NG is near
impossible for a new Producer user to find. In fact, it does not appear on
many of the newsgroup lists put out by MS. Perhaps she is dropping a gentle
hint to MS that they should establish a link from the Producer page to the
Producer newsgroup, offering MS-backed community support.

Of course, since Producer is really an offshoot of PowerPoint, they could
list our group. But then we might get bitter about having to point people
in the right direction all the time. It would probably be better if
Microsoft opted for adding a help link on their Producer information page to
the producer News Group.

Of course, I might be wrong. It could be she's been abducted by aliens, who
drained her brains of all PowerPoint knowledge in hopes of improving their
inter-galactic slide presentations. But somehow, I don't think so. I think
she is just asking if Microsoft would add a link on the Producer page to
send people that want help to the Producer newsgroup.

(Did I pound in the point ok, Sonia?)


Please spend a few minutes checking out This link will
answer most of our questions, before you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam, ant-virus, anti-nuisance

Glen Millar


Hey... I've got no argument with Sonia. She did, after all, keep me putting
ice on my arm during pptlive! My wife is very pleased *someone* made me do

I agree that it is most likely is gentle hint. My response was more like
what I expected we would get back after the gentle hint was dropped {g}.


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here


ROFL!! Yes, I was being a bit facetious, hoping that someone could read
between the lines. You've "outed" me.

There seems to be a real disconnect with Producer. Within Microsoft it
seems that it isn't considered part of the Office family, and for some
reason there doesn't seem to be the same level of commitment to community
support for Producer that we see with the Office products. Heck, I seem to
remember that the PowerPoint MVP's invited a dialog with the Producer
product people, but if memory serves me correctly, we never heard from them
again. We wanted to point out and discuss some of the very things that you
have so skillfully articulated.


Yeh, but I'm not sure I can trust a man with a bent wrist *and* a bent sense
of humor. Now you'll probably need a lifetime supply of DW-40. LOL!

Did you tell your wife that you kept calling me Mom, and that I completely
agree with her assessment of your medical intelligence?


Is there a link to this story? It's got to be good.

I've never thought of PowerPoint as one of the physically dangerous office
programs (bad for mental health, yes -- but arm injuries, I don't think so).
Or did it happen in the BBQ pit? Fighting off the crowds at the help desk?
Wrestling a wallabee through airport security?

Agreed, I've never met her, but from everything I've read, she's a
sweetheart (If anyone doesn't think so, they can keep it to themselves. I
like my illusions just the way they are, thankyouverymuch.)

Please spend a few minutes checking out This link will
answer most of our questions, before you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam, ant-virus, anti-nuisance

Glen Millar


I broke it just before I left. Sonia looked after me, and told me: "Go and
get some ice on it, and don't give me any lip"!


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP
Please tell us your ppt version, and get back to us here


Glen arrived at PowerPoint Live with an untreated broken arm. There seems
to be a regulation in Australia that prohibits citizens to fly with a cast.
Something about swelling up and causing an explosion in the cabin I guess.
Homeland security? <EG> He refused to cancel his trip to the U.S., so he
will probably have a crooked arm for the rest of his life. How's that for
bull-headedness? He wouldn't even wear a sling. That would have at least
reminded him that he shouldn't lift the chili pot (or whatever) at the BBQ.
Blah, blah, blah...

Is that story good enough? It's all true. I'll let Glen explain how he
broke his arm in the first place.

Glen Millar

untreated broken arm.

Definately wasn't *untreated*.
to be a regulation in Australia that prohibits citizens to fly with a

A rcommendation

< He refused to cancel his trip to the U.S., so he
will probably have a crooked arm for the rest of his life.

How's that for
bull-headedness? He wouldn't even wear a sling.

Didn't have to wear a sling
That would have at least
reminded him that he shouldn't lift the chili pot (or whatever) at the BBQ.
Blah, blah, blah...

Coffee pot <vbg>


This may be a bit late and all, but did you consider an inflatable splint?
Not as good as a cast, but better then nothing. It could be deflated,
removed and packed in luggage for the flight and re-applied when back on the
ground -- both directions.

In any case, my hat is off to Glen for his dedication.



Ah, shucks. I guess you haven't met the roofer whose repeated delays
threatened my sanity right up to the day before PowerPoint Live. Sweet is
not a word he would use. LOL!!

Jan Il

B said:
Is there a link to this story? It's got to be good.

I've never thought of PowerPoint as one of the physically dangerous office
programs (bad for mental health, yes -- but arm injuries, I don't think so).
Or did it happen in the BBQ pit? Fighting off the crowds at the help desk?
Wrestling a wallabee through airport security?

Agreed, I've never met her, but from everything I've read, she's a
sweetheart (If anyone doesn't think so, they can keep it to themselves. I
like my illusions just the way they are, thankyouverymuch.)
I had that very great pleasure at PPT Live, and she is not only a
sweetheart, but, loads of fun. So, your illusions are quite in order. And,
don't you dare let anyone change them! :)))

Jan :)

Jan Il

Sonia said:
Ah, shucks. I guess you haven't met the roofer whose repeated delays
threatened my sanity right up to the day before PowerPoint Live. Sweet is
not a word he would use. LOL!!

Well...under the circumstances, I'd long as he managed to walk off
with both knee caps where the good Lord put 'em when he came into this
world, then..yeah...he'd have to say that was 'sweet'... ;-)))

Mike M.

Sounds like you deserved a good strapping! That's what my Mum would have
done to me. <g>

Kathryn Jacobs

Garbage! (As in - He not only lifted the coffee pot and got yelled at for
it, he threw some of the garbage bags in the dumpster without any of us
catching him.... I was not a happy camper when I found out the next

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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