Producing a bar chart



Dear all, i hope you can help,
I have a plan in (MSP 2003) which has 800 activitiy lines with 15 resources.
the resources are levelled to ensure they are not overloaded(not by much
What i would like to do is produce a monthly chart plan ONLY showing each
resource the activities they need to do in this period.
Unitl now i have been exporting to excel and then cut/paste etc which takes
What fields do i need to use? and how is the best way to show this ?


Rob Schneider


I assume when you say "chart plan" that you mean a Gantt Chart? Even
then, there are lots of different ways to do what you want. All up to you.

The technique to show tasks which are filtered to show only a specific
range of data and for a specific resource is to use Project's Filter
function. Menu: Project/Filtered For/More Filters, then pick one of the
existing filters, or pick one and "edit" it to bend it to your will.
Save the filter and use it for views, or use it in Reports, e.g. the
"Who Does What When" report.

Another way (which isn't a "report" but is useful none the less) is to
Menu: Window/Split. Then mouse click into the upper window and Menu:
View/Resource Sheet. Mouse click into lower window and Menu: View/Gant
Chart. In the Resource list, select the single resource, or resources,
and in the bottom window will be displayed the tasks in the Gantt chart
for those resources.

Another way to show the upcoming month would be the Task Usage or
Resource Usage (just two different groupings of same data) filtered for
the next month.

Another way would be to exploit the grouping funcion (Menu: Group by) to
group in a useful way and filter ...


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