Product ID and invalid Product key message



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

A PERFECT STORM! After completing an auto-update that announced itself as "critical", any attempt to open Office results in an Invalid product key message. In order to type in the new product key, i have to enter the product ID. You can only get the product ID by opening the programme....which I CAN'T open because I have an invalid product key. I HATE AUTO UPDATER! Please help.

Diane Ross

A PERFECT STORM! After completing an auto-update that announced itself as
"critical", any attempt to open Office results in an Invalid product key
message. In order to type in the new product key, i have to enter the product
ID. You can only get the product ID by opening the programme....which I CAN'T
open because I have an invalid product key. I HATE AUTO UPDATER! Please help.

Invalid Product Key after updating to SP2


There is some confusion over the Product Key and Product ID.

The Product Key also called CD Key is on a yellow or bright orange sticker
on the CD package.

The Product ID is given during the Setup Assistant process. The Product ID
will look like this: 11111-130-0001111-12345). It is used to register. Write
this Product ID down or take a screen snap.


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

A PERFECT STORM! After completing an auto-update that announced itself as "critical", any attempt to open Office results in an Invalid product key message. In order to type in the new product key, i have to enter the product ID. You can only get the product ID by opening the programme....which I CAN'T open because I have an invalid product key. I HATE AUTO UPDATER! Please help.

Here's what I did when I had this problem - right at the end of my
semester when I had projects due.
I turned off auto updater.
Before you do this, wait a few hours and see what others say - they may
be an easier way.

Delete these two files:

$HOME:Library:preferences:Microsoft:Office 2008:Microsoft Office 2008

where $HOME is your home folder, and

HD:Applications:Microsoft Office 2008:Office:OfficePID.plist

I don't know if you have to do this with every user on the machine however.

*Cough*NeoOffice*Cough* sorry, packing dust.

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