Triple check all of the digits you're entering. Os look like 0s, Bs look
like 8s, etc.
A curley 6 can be mistaken for an 8, but I had a problem with Q! The
tail was barely there, so I thought it was just a smudge. My
reasoning was that they wouldn't use Q if it was hard too hard to read
in that font. Wrong! So, it could be Q, O, or 0.
Priti: When trouble shooting, (as tedious as it seems) limit your
changes to one variable at a time. An easy way to do it is to type
what you think you see into word if you can still use it (wordpad or
notepad if you can't), change one digit at a time and copy/paste your
"new" number into the registration box. Use ctrl + c to copy, ctrl +
v to paste - if you need to.
good luck!