Product Key


Al Greene

I had a laptop that ended up with chicken fried motherboard. The hard
disk was intact, but the computer would not boot.

I bought a new Lenovo W 700. I had to install all of my programs on
the new guy.

I had lost the product key for MS Outlook 2003 although I had the
disk. The disk from the old computer would not boot on another

I spent many hours over several days trying to figure out how to get
the product key off the old hard drive.

I connected the hard drive from the old computer via a USB port to the
W 700.

I had Belarc Advisor installed on the old computer. I was able to use
Belarc Advisor from the new W 700 to locate file Belarc had created
on the old hard drive and get the product key.

You can get Belarc Advisor for free at:
Now I run it often to make sure my profile is current.

If you did not have Belarc Advisor on the old drive, nsauditor makes a
good product to recover keys and information. You will find it at:
Backup Key Recovery,
It is only $29.50. A price I would have gladly paid had I needed it
or found it sooner.

I have no financial interest in any of these products. Hopefully this
post will save others the many hours I spent recovering that one
product key.

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