Programatically import data from Excel


P. McGill

I have an excel spreadsheet that is used to prepare quote line items. I
want to be able to automatically create Groove records from this data. I am
fairly proficient at vb in excel. I have been trying to find the groove api
and some documentation. I am fairly new at groove. I have managed to write
some simple scripts (java) within groove, but I was wondering how to access
groove from excel VBA. A simple example would be most helpful.

Alternatively, I suppose I could write a script in groove that opens the
excel file and pulls the data in. Not so sure about that at the moment.

If someone could just point me in the right direction, and hopefully with an
example, I can probably figure it out. It doesn't have to be elegant or
anything. Only a handful of people are going to use it.



You may post this to Groove forms Development branch. Form expert may give
you some examples.

I think you can use Groove web service to create a new form tool, meanwhile,
using data provider in to read all records from excel and then write
them into form.

You can download Groove web service development kit here:

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