Programatically logging into an Exchange account


Neil Dittmar

Hello All,

I was wondering if there is a way to programmatically
log into an Exchange users account. For example, I log
into my PC as user Test1. Test1 has a profile configured
for him on the PC. I want to bypass this and log into
Test2's account via the Outlook Object to access and
display the accounts folders, contacts, calendar events,
etc. Is this possible? Any help would be greatly


Neil Dittmar
Software Developer
Aurora Information Systems

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Is there a profile for the other account on that machine? If Outlook
is starting using an existing profile it can't switch profiles after
it has opened. If a profile exists you can create an Outlook
Application object and get the NameSpace object and use the .Logon

Other than that you could use CDO 1.21 to login to a mailbox. Use the
form servername & vblf & mailboxname as your Session.Logon argument.

Neil Dittmar

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the information. A profile for the other
account will not be stored on the machine. For our
application, multiple PC's will be accessing the single
account so the CDO 1.21 option seems more reasonable. Is
there a way via CDO 1.21 to display folders, calendar
appointements, etc? I know this is possible using the
Outlook Object model, but I was wondering if you could do
this via CDO or possible a combination of the Outlook
Object and CDO. Any suggestions?

Thanks again,

Neil Dittmar
Software Developer
Aurora Information Systems

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

CDO has no user interface and supports none. And Outlook is not aware
of anything that CDO does. You would have to create your own UI to
display what you want, something I've done quite a bit of in those

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