Ed G
Help requested!
I am not a programmer but I have the following crude code that I want to run
in an Access 2000 database. Can anyone clean it up and tell me where to place
it in Access 2000.
This program takes data out of the DESCRIPTION field (type memo) in the
SESSIONS Table and creates multiple new records in the DETAIL Table with a
common field PRKEY. The data is in a fixed length text format and contains
multiple records in one DESCRIPTION field, one record. Each set of data is 55
characters long, with multiple sets (total # of sets vary) . I am trying to
append this data into an existing table called DETAIL and have this data put
into multiple records with matching PRKEY.
Ed Grenzig
Start Program
Table Sessions
Table Detail
Dim m as integer, n as integer, F1 as integer, F2 as integer, F3 as Date, F4
as Date
;step through Sessions table one record at a time, to end of table
Select Sessions.PRKEY, Sessions.Description, Sessions.DetailCk
From Sessions
Where PRKEY=m
Do While Sessions!PRKEY <> null ;test for end of table (?)
If Sessions!DetailCk=True ;DetailCk indicates if this conversion was
already done.
go to Line2
end if
;get data out of Description Field and place in Detail Table many records.
Do while Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+1, 2) <> null ; test for end
of data (?)
F1= Sessions!PRKEY
F2=Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+6, 2)
F3= TimeSerial(Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+20, 11))
F4= TimeSerial(Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+43, 11))
Insert Into Detail(PRKEY, Lap, LapTime, SplitTime)
Values(F1, F2, F3, F4)
Select Sessions.PRKEY, Sessions.Description, Sessions.DetailCk
Where PRKEY=m
Close all
End Program
I am not a programmer but I have the following crude code that I want to run
in an Access 2000 database. Can anyone clean it up and tell me where to place
it in Access 2000.
This program takes data out of the DESCRIPTION field (type memo) in the
SESSIONS Table and creates multiple new records in the DETAIL Table with a
common field PRKEY. The data is in a fixed length text format and contains
multiple records in one DESCRIPTION field, one record. Each set of data is 55
characters long, with multiple sets (total # of sets vary) . I am trying to
append this data into an existing table called DETAIL and have this data put
into multiple records with matching PRKEY.
Ed Grenzig
Start Program
Table Sessions
Table Detail
Dim m as integer, n as integer, F1 as integer, F2 as integer, F3 as Date, F4
as Date
;step through Sessions table one record at a time, to end of table
Select Sessions.PRKEY, Sessions.Description, Sessions.DetailCk
From Sessions
Where PRKEY=m
Do While Sessions!PRKEY <> null ;test for end of table (?)
If Sessions!DetailCk=True ;DetailCk indicates if this conversion was
already done.
go to Line2
end if
;get data out of Description Field and place in Detail Table many records.
Do while Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+1, 2) <> null ; test for end
of data (?)
F1= Sessions!PRKEY
F2=Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+6, 2)
F3= TimeSerial(Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+20, 11))
F4= TimeSerial(Mid$(Sessions!Description, n*55+30+43, 11))
Insert Into Detail(PRKEY, Lap, LapTime, SplitTime)
Values(F1, F2, F3, F4)
Select Sessions.PRKEY, Sessions.Description, Sessions.DetailCk
Where PRKEY=m
Close all
End Program