programmatically saving outlook contacts



Hello, I am writing a program in that goes out to an SQL database to
get a contact list and imports them into the users Outlook Contacts.
Everything is working fine except, I am also creating a contact folder under
the default Contacts folder and I would like to save the contacts, that i'm
importing, into the created folder but I have found no way to do this thus
far. Is there a simple way to just set the default folder to the folder that
I create?? Much thanks to everyone that has some input

Dick Kusleika


You need to use the Add method of the Items collection object instead of
CreateObject. For instance, in VBA, you might write

.FullName = ...
.BusinessTelephone =
End With

I'm sure the default item for your folder is ContactItem, but if not, you
need to specify the Type argument of the Add method.


Thanks, I haven't tried that but it sounds like it should work fine. The
solution I came up with was to just move the contact, after saving it to the
default contacts folder, to the folder that I have created.

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