Programmatically selecting a whole record in a datasheet subform..



Hi - I am using the code below to programmatically find a record in a subform
having a Datasheet configuration based on a value on the main form. It works
fine, but is there a way that I can make it select the whole record instead
just the field it found?

Dim rs As Object
Set rs = Forms!frmMain!fsubContext.Form.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Zip] = '" & Forms!frmMain![Zip] & "'"
Forms!frmMain!fsubContext.Form.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark

Thanks so much for any ideas!


Bryan in Bakersfield

I may be misunderstanding your question, but once you do the FindFirst, the
first record that meets the criteria is the current record.

To get other fields would be a matter of

Forms!frmMain![State] = rs("State") for each of the fields in rs

or rs.delete to delete the record.

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