PC User
I'm not very good at converting a query into VBA, so I'm looking for a
way to reference two update queries that select and deselect
checkboxes. I want to change the recordsource on a subform by using
command buttons on the parent form. I get an error on the recordsource
statement. Can someone help me?
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Frm As Form
Dim sfN As Form 'Program Notification SubForm
Set Frm = Forms!frmMainEntry.Form
Set sfN = Frm.[fctlNotifications].Form
strSQL = "qselNotificationSelectionYes"
sfN.RecordSource = strSQL
way to reference two update queries that select and deselect
checkboxes. I want to change the recordsource on a subform by using
command buttons on the parent form. I get an error on the recordsource
statement. Can someone help me?
Dim strSQL As String
Dim Frm As Form
Dim sfN As Form 'Program Notification SubForm
Set Frm = Forms!frmMainEntry.Form
Set sfN = Frm.[fctlNotifications].Form
strSQL = "qselNotificationSelectionYes"
sfN.RecordSource = strSQL